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13 Brentford Rd 1:30 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Having been there twice now I agree it's not really suitable for football and the extra 250m to covert it for football use has not solved some issues. The retractable seats are not retractable but built on scaffolding so feel temporary and create huge gaps between the tiers. You can see parts of the track and he athletics seats below which is frankly shit.
The stands are still too far away from the pitch.

The Daves have sold us down the river but hopefully when they sell to richer more ambitious owners something can be done at least about the shit scaffold seats creating the gaps between tiers?

Robson 1:31 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
"Hammers fans have embraced their new home with gusto, trying to create a raucous background to the game. Against Bournemouth, in their first Premier League match in Stratford, they rose to the occasion.

But it will take a serious level of commitment to keep up the clamour."

What makes him think we can't keep it up?

joey5000 1:33 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article

Buster 1:34 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
It's superb for getting a beer quickly though. Can't argue with that.

Grumpster 1:34 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I hate it, though my love for football was on the wane anyway.

Ce la vie, nothing lasts forever and now it'll just be away games.

Lily Hammer 1:48 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
So it's a souless ground, yet the fans rose to the occassion and made it raucous, and this was against Bournemouth, who we have the least rivalry with in the whole division.

He makes some valid points, but it reads like someone who couldn't wait to put the boot in and did so regardless of how it went on the day.

Bostick Pockets 1:50 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
It's up to us to create the atmosphere. Sitting or standing in silence is the thing that's gonna cause reports like this.

Sing up you cunts!

Chopper Toshack 1:57 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Its a compromise stadium that we have to make the best of.

Who on here seriously didn't/doesn't understand this?

BournemouthHammer 1:58 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Having been to the game yesterday I have to say that there was no atmosphere over there. Fans generally react to what is happening on the pitch and away fans are bound to sing as its a good day out for them. Its up to us to make it a noisy a ground.

Having said this I think the fans need to find their feet as well as the team and this will take time. Lets not be too critical after only a few games in. Everything is new and needs time to bed in.

I noticed more children at the game this weekend so this could be another reason why there is a dip in the atmosphere. I am not saying this is a bad thing don't get me wrong but I likened it to the atmosphere of an England friendly or a testimonial game.

It will all be fine in the end. Everyone is against us at the moment and rightly so. We have one of the best grounds in the league so people will pick holes.

Keep Calm, Support West Ham COYI's!

Ricky Bobby 2:01 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
J.Riddle 12:58 Mon Aug 22

One persons view who as a member of the gutter press is possibly thinking he will get in first so he can quote himself...

I have been to the Domzale and Bournemouth games and both were impressive. You know its not going to be like UP therefore don't expect the same type of atmosphere... Saying that, I've seen some shit matches at UP with no atmosphere at all.

The noise last night when we scored was ear drum bursting, the decision to sort the acoustics out has well paid off. This will not be an Emirates that I can guarantee.


franksfat&slow&wank 2:02 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I don't like it tbh from the moment I plant my arse on the seat but I'll sing and get behind the team

my 7 year old loves it so I'm positive in front of him as he's the future so important we embrace etc etc

the travelling for me personally is so much better and seeing my boys face light up when he see's the stadium is a great feeling, he adores west ham and now firmly believes we have one of the best stadiums "we're going to win the league soon dad now we've got this great ground"

I miss upton park but I need to man the fuck up

Mad Dog 2:07 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article

The hollering in the stands does not echo. It evaporates. Upton Park earned West Ham 10 points a season"

Obviously this doesn't extend to the seasons where when scraped about 40 points in total

zico 2:07 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Armchair fan here so can't judge until I have been to a game but watching on the telly it did look strange, almost like we were playing at Wembley or something. The seats look further away from the pitch of any football stadium I can remember bar the old Wembley. Certainly will take a lot of time to feel like home I guess but at the same time the Club had to move on. Just a shame they couldn't have moved to Stratford but knocked down the OS and built an exact replica of the Boleyn in its place only bigger and better (without the plastic turrets mind you!!) I am only half kidding!!

Iron Duke 2:09 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
The Emirates has never recreated the maelstrom that Highbury generated.

Ha ha ha ha

Far Cough 2:09 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article



andyd12345 2:10 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
There's a danger than Upton Park gets the same sort of recognition that a Z list celeb gets after they've died. "Worth 10 points a season", "Atmosphere was always electric", "Opposition players hated going there because they knew they felt as though the fans were on top of them"

Half the time Upton Park was like a library, the whole place was falling down and the area was a fucking shit tip. Let's wait and see the sort of atmosphere we generate when we're chasing a winning goals against Spurs with Payet, Lanzini, Ayew and Bony running the show.

Comparing yesterday with Upton Park in its prime is comparing apples and pairs. Make a judgement at the end of the season.

The Kronic 2:12 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
It's fuck all to do with the stadium and all to do with our new demographic of 'supporters' who infested UP too during the latter years.


claretandbluedagger 2:12 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
The chap who wrote it is a Liverpool fan. I wouldn't worry too much about what he says.

Huffers 2:13 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I've watched a lot of football over the past few weeks and have taken notice of gaps around the pitch at various stadiums.

I don't think ours is much different to places like Hull (on the sides) and Wigan (behind the goals). I think that fact that is just a sheer walk from front of stand to touchline makes it seem worse whereas, Wigan for example have a brick wall inbetween.

Arsenal behind the goals looks further than ours behind the goal.

I think ours looks worse on tv than what it actually is, so maybe thats the case for the above grounds too.

To conclude, I dont think the gaps (to the front) are that bad and I have decided after yesterday that I think my seat is better than what I had previously.

JustAFatKevinDavies 2:14 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I really don't think Arsenals gap behind the goal is bigger than ours surely?

Gavros 2:16 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
#Crew145 was giving it massively yesterday. Great atmosphere.

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